Saturday, December 1, 2012


i just spent the last few hours bawling my eyes and laughing to the things that i wrote for the past 4 years.

and they are now safely removed,locked away somewhere in the depth of my brain.

because keeping posts about your ex boyfriend(s) is just euw.

it's almost 2 years since i last blogged but no,my whining is never rusty (because i have twitter to practice with) and with 140 characters per post,Lord knows how many pent up anger and depression is inside me now.

but i must say the whining aren't so frequent these days (well, nothing to compare with my previous borderline suicidal posts). This may sounds ridiculous but i'm pretty damned sure K-pop mellowed me. 5 boys dancing in neon costumes with disturbingly pretty faces,that must have touched everyone's heart in this world,even the heart of the most gruesome relentless venting machine like me. 

so with 2 years older i wouldn't go as much by saying i'm much more mature now. (Fangirling over Kpop and One Directions kinda make it look like i'm actually going backwards...) But i'd say i'm better at letting loose and my temper goes down faster now that i know how to distract myself from dwelling in it.

but there will be days when i choose to dwell in all the agony and you'll probably read all about it here.

not sure if anyone is still around to read this,if there are well hello.if not,this will just be a therapeutic diary of my own.

(2 years and my grammar still suckballs)

(Oh and one minor update,i've been on the road to cover my head properly for almost a year now.)

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